iOS 7 Jailbreak Chaos: Streit um evasi0n 7, China-Deal, TaiG, gecrackte Apps, Geohot & evad3rs Brief

iOS 7 Jailbreak Chaos: Streit um evasi0n 7, China-Deal, TaiG, gecrackte Apps, Geohot & evad3rs Brief 1

Der heutige Evasi0n 7 Jailbreak ist eingeschlagen wie eine Bombe und kam völlig unerwartet. Doch leider kam diesmal der Jailbreak mit einem leichten Beigeschmack bezüglich einer chinesischen Cydia Alternative mit gecrackten Apps. Und in der Tat scheint ein Deal zwischen den evad3rs und dem chinesischen App Store TaiG (mit gecrackten iOS Apps und Spiele) zustande gekommen zu sein. Auch die Jailbreak Tweak Developer fühlen sich betrogen, nicht zuletzt der Cydia Betreiber saurik. Aber eines nach dem anderen:

Heute wurde völlig unerwartet der iOS 7 Jailbreak durch die evad3rs veröffentlicht, auch überraschend für den Cydia Betreiber saurik – dadurch wird beim evasi0n Jailbreak „kein aktuelles iOS 7 Cydia“ sowie angepasstes MobileSubstrate mitgeliefert. Das Evad3rs Team kommuniziert per Twitter, dass ALLE SPENDEN an das Evad3rs Team an ein der folgenden Organisationen weitergespendet werden:


Also halten wir fest: Saurik wurde nicht mitgeteilt, dass ein Jailbreak bevorsteht – ein aktuelles Cydia ist NICHT im evasi0n Jailbreak enthalten. Aber es wird noch interessanter:

China App Store TaiG: Kostenpflichtige gecrackte Apps kostenlos auf iPhone installieren?

Falls ihr Euer iPhone in chinesischer Sprache betreibt wird jedoch anstelle von Cydia ein chinesischer 3rd Party App Store namens TaiG installiert. Dort werden nicht nur „kostenlose Cydia Tweaks und Apps“ angeboten sondern auch gecrackte Raubkopien, Spiele und andere iOS Apps aus dem App Store – ganz klarer Fall von Piracy und Raubkopie. Dies wurde von Cydia Betreiber saurik und vielen anderen Tweak Developer am heutigen nachmittag scharf verurteilt. Viele Jailbreak Entwickler fühlten sich von der Aktion der evad3rs übergangen.

evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak für 1 Million Dollar an Chinesen verkauft?

Wer auf Twitter Jailbreak Tweak Entwicklern und Personen aus dem Jailbreak Umfeld folgt wird die Entrüstung über diese Aktion mitbekommen haben. Nahezu KEIN Tweak ist iOS 7 kompatibel da die Entwickler keinerlei Möglichkeit hatten ihre Tweaks anzupassen, bei vorherigen Jailbreaks wurde den Entwicklern diese Chance vorab eingeräumt. Stefan Esser aka @i0n1c nennt hier die Summe von einer Million Dollar die auch ihm von den Chinesen angeboten worden war.

Offener Brief der Evad3rs bezüglich TaiG China App Store und Cydia & saurik

Auf der evasi0n Homepage findet sich an dieser Stelle ein offener Brief, den wir Euch nachfolgend eingebunden haben:

[toggle title=“Offener Brief der evad3rs (Klicken zum Lesen)“ state=“close“ ]

Dear Jailbreak Community,

We are deeply troubled by the rumors and speculation surrounding our iOS 7 jailbreak. We would like to present the whole story to you.

Most of the concern surrounds the inclusion of the Chinese App Store Taig. In the course of developing the iOS 7 jailbreak, we were approached by the company with an offer of partnership in offering Taig bundled with the jailbreak in China. Taig is a Chinese App Store written in Chinese. tailored and, we believe, well suited to meet the needs of users for the Chinese market. Users are not locked into Taig. Cydia can also be installed and Taig removed afterwards. It would be deeply hypocritical to remove choice from the user in the course of jailbreaking.

Taig has never asked us to disclose our exploits to them, let alone sell them. We were simply asked to bundle their third-party app store in China in a similar way we bundle and distribute Cydia around the world as an additional App Store, and in a similar way to how previous jailbreaks like blackra1n have bundled non-Cydia stores.

Of course, the safety and security of our users is a paramount concern, and due to the amount of close scrutiny by security professionals around the world, we offer one of the lower risk programs available for download on the Internet. We are saddened by the accusations that we would ever do such a thing, or sell weaponized exploits. If anyone ever attempted to include malware in a jailbreak, we are confident that the many security experts combing through jailbreak software would find it. The binaries are obfuscated for a similar reason to why we have in the past compiled in Cydia rather than including it as a separate file. We wish to secure the integrity of the jailbreak and discourage its use by third parties who may in fact wish to weaponize it. The obfuscation is of course not intended to deflect serious analysis by security professionals (who have quickly already fully analyzed and discussed the contents of the jailbreak), it is simply intended to prevent easy repackaging by other parties.

Preventing piracy is also extremely important to us. We are deeply sorry and embarrassed about the piracy that was seen today. All of us have spoken out vehemently against piracy in the past. We don’t believe it’s right for developers to not get paid for their work. In our agreement with Taig, we contractually bind them to not have piracy in their store. This was an extremely important precondition of working with them. In entering the agreement with them, we had hoped and continue to hope that our cooperation with Taig will improve the piracy situation in China. Many App Stores within China, including those run by large corporations, have many issues with pirated software. Promoting an app store that is required not to have piracy with our jailbreak, we believe, will help developers.

We are very upset that despite our agreement and review by their team, piracy was found in the store. It was not acceptable and they have been strenuously working to resolve the problem in good faith, and have removed all instances of it that we have brought to their attention. We are happy that it was not overlooked by the community. We’ve been so heads down working on the code that we didn’t see this. We are sorry. We will continue to monitor this issue and work to resolve it completely. Taig will be pulled from the jailbreak if it cannot be resolved.

Many of you have also wondered why this jailbreak was released without Cydia and MobileSubstrate being updated for iOS 7. After we received the offer from Taig, we informed Saurik, our friend, of our decision to accept the offer. SaurikIT had been in talks with Chinese companies regarding potential partnerships, made a counteroffer. We believe they share our views on how a relationship with companies in China currently utilizing jailbreaking might benefit everyone in the community. Unfortunately, the negotiations did not work out. A few days later, we received information that SaurikIT was working with another group to release a jailbreak ahead of us. We decided to release, knowing that Cydia, MobileSubstrate, and jailbreak tweaks would be updated after a few days, just as it always has in the course of jailbreaking.

Yes, we have benefitted financially from our work, just as many others in the jailbreak community have, including tweak developers, repo owners, etc. Any jailbreak from us will always be free to the users but we believe we have a right to be compensated in an ethical way, just as any other developer. However, the interests of the community will always be the most important thing to us. When releasing the jailbreak, we pledged all our donations to foundations supporting the interests of the community. We are deeply upset at how we have inadvertently distressed the community and we are focused on fixing it.

We love the jailbreak community and you motivate us to do this work. Having a choice and freeing your device is important.

We hope you understand and we thank you for all of your support.


Interessant sind hier vor allem die letzten beiden Abschnitte: die Evad3rs haben in der Tat einen Deal mit den Chinesen (Taig) gemacht. Saurik selbst habe wohl ebenfalls einen (oder denselben) Deal mit den Chinesen machen wollen, welcher jedoch gescheitert sei. Stattdessen habe Saurik versucht mit anderen Entwicklern einen „eigenen Jailbreak zu entwickeln“

A few days later, we received information that SaurikIT was working with another group to release a jailbreak ahead of us. We decided to release, knowing that Cydia, MobileSubstrate, and jailbreak tweaks would be updated after a few days, just as it always has in the course of jailbreaking.

Saurik antwortet auf Reddit auf den offenen Brief der evad3rs:

[toggle title=“Antwort Saurik zu Evad3rs (Klick zum Lesen)“ state=“close“ ]

I was trying to help them setup a deal with another Chinese company; this deal fell through when they wanted to go with TaiG: I could no longer morally justify working on the deal. We examined refactoring the deal somewhat for a week or so, but in the end (as of like a week ago) we were only looking at potentially doing some kind of normal „enterprise consulting“ arrangement with them.

And yeah, as others point out: the summary of their point is more „I was working with some other jailbreakers“, not „with another company“. As I said on Twitter (in 140-character bursts):

So, yes: someone approached me with a potential jailbreak; the goal being to get a non-piracy-laden jailbreak out; this does not seem bad…

…in particular, I do not see how it is „backstabbing“ @evad3rs (as some claim): it was unlikely to work, and was mostly just „having fun“.

Also, I am not part of @evad3rs: they made that very clear to me. They never told me anything about their exploit. Should I not help others?

I guess now the argument is that if people come to me with a potential jailbreak, in order to not „backstab“, I am not allowed to help them?

Regardless, I gave the iOS 7 Substrate build to evad3rs on September 30th, and all I needed to test was a new copy of redsn0w (not evasi0n).

I guess I don’t understand „we really wanted TaiG’s deal, so when we heard a rumor of an open jailbreak we were rushed: shame on saurik“. :/

The work I was doing with the other jailbreaker was not tied to a contract; this was considered momentarily, but it was not going to work for numerous reasons (including the problems associated with selling exploits to the Chinese); if this happened, I was going to do the normal „I will help you split the donations among yourselves, taking none for myself“ (but as I said on Twitter, I somewhat doubted it would work out).


Geohot und der iOS 7 Jailbreak

Ein letztes Puzzlestück im evasi0n 7 Durcheinander ist Geohot. Angeblich soll Geohot ebenfalls in diese ganze Geschichte verstrickt sein und entsprechende Informationen (und Exploits?) von p0sixninja zugespielt bekommen haben. Zudem soll Geohot ebenfalls mit den Chinesen in Kontakt gestanden haben um die Exploits zu verkaufen.  Stefan Esser aka i0n1c scheint ebenfalls mit der Behauptung „iOS 7 Jailbreak geklaut“ viellecuht nicht ganz unrecht zu behalten.

Fazit iOS 7 Jailbreak mit evasi0n 7?

Aktuell ist keine Heile Welt mehr im Jailbreak Land! Wir erwarten dennoch ein Update von Cydia und Mobile Substrate in den nächsten Tagen doch viele Entwickler haben deutlich ihren Unmut kundgetan. Die Evad3rs verdienen mit dem Jailbreak Geld und das ist unserer Meinung nach auch absolut in Ordnung – dennoch hätte dieser Faux-Pas mit dem China Piracy App Store TaiG nicht sein müssen.

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